Security, order, and structure for document management in Microsoft 365

The use of Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint has significantly increased, and today many organizations struggle with challenges related to managing their documents. Documents are scattered across various storage areas within Microsoft’s ecosystem, making it difficult for organizations to keep track of what is stored where. This can lead to employees having difficulty finding and trusting the documents.

Incorrect handling of sensitive documents and inadequate control over storage can lead to several risks, such as the loss of important documents, exposure of confidential information, improper storage of sensitive data, and an increased risk of data leakage, especially when using AI models. In this webinar, we will go through how to create a structure and build document management within Microsoft’s ecosystem. We will discuss the challenges that exist and how to avoid common pitfalls.

The objectives are to:

  • Ensure that the organization’s documents are managed in a secure and controlled manner
  • Gain control over which storage solutions should be used and what should be stored where
  • Identify which types of documents need or require improved document management
  • More easily identify and label business-critical documents


  • Common mistakes in document management within Microsoft’s ecosystem
  • Information security and control
  • How to build structure and order
  • This is how an implementation is done

This webinar is held in English but is also available in Swedish, Säkerhet, ordning och struktur för dokumenthantering i Microsoft 365.

When: 25 March 2025 at 3:00 pm (CET) to 4:00 pm (CET)
Where: Webinar via Microsoft Teams (invitation with link will be sent to you)

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